I had the pleasure of working alongside Breast Friends, based in Tigard, OR, for a unique experience. Breast Friends is a wonderful organization dedicated to supporting women through the trauma of cancer. Part of their program includes an opportunity for the women they support to have a makeover with a professional makeup artist and a portrait shoot with a photographer who volunteers their time. We called them Bald is Beautiful portrait shoots.
Bald is Beautiful
Bald Is Beautiful portrait shoots are for women who work with Breast Friends and who have lost their hair due to chemo. The complimentary session provides a little pampering and beauty in the lives of women who aren’t feeling their best. The experience also serves as a memento that the women can look back on. A reminder to themselves of how strong they are and what they’ve been through.
I love looking through theses photos and remembering all the strength and beauty that came through my doors. I’m honored to have had the opportunity to be part of my community in this way. I stopped volunteering after a couple of years, when I had my babies. I needed to take a step back from some of my obligations to take care of my little ones. But I’d love to work with Breast Friends, again, one day.